Jackson Family Funeral Directors

Welcome to Jackson Family Funeral Directors Malvern & Ledbury

Our funeral home is based on the Wells Road near Malvern’s British Camp. The location is very private and looks out from the Malvern hills.

By being situated between the towns of Malvern and Ledbury this allows our funeral directors to come to your own home or offer you a peaceful and private environment to arrange a loved one’s funeral.

We are the closest qualified, independent funeral director to Ledbury and one of only two independently owned funeral directors in Malvern. This means that if you are looking for Ledbury funeral services or Malvern funeral services, you will be in cared for in a personal a d professional way.


Our Malvern and Ledbury

Funeral Directors


Matthew Jackson Dip FS

Matthew Jackson is our managing director and is based in our Malvern Funeral Home. Matthew has over 15 years experience as a qualified funeral director.

Amie is our main funeral director for Malvern and Ledbury with Matthew assisting with specialist advice particularly with the intricacies of legal or regulatory requests.

Amie Cook

Amie joined Jackson Family Funeral Directors after working for 2 years for Ledbury Funeral Services. As with all of our funeral directors, Amie bought with her new ideas, working practices and a fresh perspective of honouring families views and wishes.

Amie has a flair for working closely with families, especially when fulfilling unique and personal requests from families.

Amie was born and raised in Malvern and is also a well known face in Ledbury.